Time-Tested: 210/Liebster Award


Our weekly spin of the wheel and foray into Reddit has taken a slightly different turn this week… well, actually, a completely different turn, given that I didn’t go to Reddit Gets Drawn, nor did I use the wheel to determine the length of the exercise.

It’s time for me to miss a button my shirt, leave my collar on the wonk and then trip over the red carpet (or my chair… again), as I’ve been nominated for an award!

The man to blame for this is our subject this week, one Charlie O’Shields, keeper of the doodlewash blog, who nominated me for the coveted Liebster Award along with nine of his other most crazed fans. What better way to exhibit one’s gratitude for this wonderful gesture, than to roundly offend the kind gentleman with a whistle-stop portrait? I’m sorry, Charlie. Please can we still be friends?

I think I pretty accurately captured the smile, and indeed I did all in my power within the three-and-a-half hours to show a sunny character, for that is, I think, what best describes doodlewash – a warm, friendly and addictive artistic community. And, like the sun itself, we all warm to Charlie, who is in the centre of it all and somehow manages to be entertaining and endearing on a daily basis. He also spends a great deal of time championing other artists from around the world, which is deserving of recognition in itself.

I suspect 90 per cent of my followers came from doodlewash in some way or another, but if you are one of the minority, go follow! And do it now!!

Now, in accepting this award, I’d like to thank my mu… oh, time’s up already? I’m being given fingers by the floor manager! I thought that kind of stuff only happened in rehearsal…

We’ve reached the stage where I now have to share ten (only ten!?) blogs who I think deserve this honour. With such a small number, I did, as Charlie did, rely on WordPress stats for the most part, to show who have been the most prolific on the site as well as who have been following me for the longest time. I also left out a couple of potential nominees because Charlie beat me to it. What I’m saying is, please don’t hate me if your name does not appear. I still love you.



I would of course have added Charlie in here myself, but I believe the rules are policed as tightly and seriously as playground touchy – that is, there are no touch-backs.

(blows party horn) Congratulations all round! In accepting the prize, you should show the Liebster Award badge, nominate ten people of your own, and then answer the questions below. Participation is, of course, not obligatory.

Yes, as mentioned just there, before I can scuttle off to my uproarious after-party, I apparently have to undergo some form of interrogation, answering ten taxing questions for your own perplexing pleasure. Well, here goes nothing:

Oh blimey, first one up and this is already getting to ‘phone a friend please, Chris’ territory. I don’t read many books, actually. I should probably read a lot more. In fiction, I rather enjoy thrillers, and non-fiction, I enjoy anything to do with history, design, or melding the two. A relatively new-found literary love, though, is poetry and verse. I wish I could write a decent poem or a good old sizzling sonnet.

Patently, Top and Toby – A First Book of Letters… I can tell you how that one goes from cover to cover! Failing that, probably Treasure Island, as it’s the first book I can remember picking from the library and reading myself.

I can’t say I’m passionate about a book at this moment. Honest answer. Moving on.

I’d be bored stiff otherwise. That, and having the concept of the blog there pushes me to continue with what I’m doing, which is trying to make art (incase you hadn’t gathered). It’s like a muscle, it requires training and it’s easy to atrophy, so having the community there is a wonderful thing.

I bounce wildly from one to the other. My digital files are all stored with impeccable order, my daily routine is very rigid, yet my space definitely deserves the label of ‘chaos’.

Somewhere bracing and out of the way. Norway, for instance. That could be fun.

Hmm, both are beautiful, but probably the stars. They seem to stimulate my imagination more than a sunset.

Again with the books. Lots of the newer books I do own are in e-book form. It’s a godsend, really, as I don’t have room in my extensive library for any more hardbacks.

This is probably why my writing is so poor – I don’t read enough. I’ve always enjoyed writing, though mostly as a hobby. When I was a teenager I spent summers penning Batman screenplays and a children’s book, so maybe there is a writer in me somewhere.

I would think it crude to slam them while writing on a social network, but indeed one should be careful what they share and who they interact with. I don’t do Facebook, Instagram or any of that stuff anymore – I only use WordPress. It seems the nicest of all and I’ve certainly met a lot of wonderful people in the time I’ve spent here.

There we are then.

I believe there’s a conga line to the after-party due any minute. Thanks once more to Charlie, and well done again to all nominees!

  1. Congrats to you! I’m flattered by your nomination-but I have been nominated before. Your answers were great, btw. And I love this sketch.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jacob said:

      Thanks very much, on all counts! Ah, that’s perfectly okay – just happy to take the opportunity to share your blog with others. 🙂

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  2. Jacob, you have captured Charlie perfectly. What a great idea. Charlie will love it. I’m so glad you answered all of the questions. You have a great sense of humor. I enjoy visiting your blog and beautiful art.
    And, you’ve nominated some new blogs for me, I can’t wait to check them out. 😊🍷cheers!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jacob said:

      Oh Sharon, I’m so relieved to hear/see you say that! The portrait was touch-and-go for a time and the last thing I wanted to do was offend dear Charlie!

      Thanks so much for all your lovely comments! Your continued support means much to me.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Jacob said:

      Thank goodness! Let’s hope he recognises himself 😉 Many thanks, Cynthia!

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  3. OK Jacob, I don’t know why my blog is here, between artists-bloggers. My blog are memories and I try to keep them alive for myself. On your page my blog can not be open – there is some error. If you want you can remove my blog. ❤ Camilla

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jacob said:

      I fixed the error. I gave you the award because I wanted to thank you for your support and also share your blog with others – perhaps there are other Freddie fans reading who, like me, would enjoy it. If you want me to remove it, though, I shall?


      • It’s OK Jacob. I just wanted to tell you about error. You fixed it, it’s good. I tried open my blog and I can open. Thanks. This is Freddie’s shooting star 🌠, do you know in which song Freddie sing **I’m shooting star** ??? Camilla

        Liked by 1 person

      • Jacob said:

        Thanks Camilla! Ooh, more questions! I believe that line was in Don’t Stop Me Now!


      • Good Jacob, you are really Freddie’s fan.

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  4. Awesome drawing of Charlie! He’s a handsome devil, isn’t he? You are as funny as he is! I’m posting mine tomorrow but I won’t have a great piece of art to go with it. 😁

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jacob said:

      Thanks so much, Teresa! He certainly is – irritatingly so! Glad you found my waffle amusing. I look forward to seeing your post and who you’re going to nominate!

      Liked by 1 person

      • I’m going to have to go through Charlie’s list so I don’t duplicate. 🙂

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      • Jacob said:

        Indeed, lots of my potential nominees had already been snapped up by him – including yourself!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Jacob said:

        I know!!! Can’t stay mad at Charlie, though! 😉

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  5. Lee Hesketh said:

    Well done Jay!! You put so much effort in, you deserve it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jacob said:

      Thanks so much, Lee, for sticking around for the time that you have – course if you had a blog yourself, I could nominate you for this prestigious honour, couldn’t I…? 😉

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  6. So wow!!!! This is fricking amazing!! I was scanning through my WP Reader and my own face pops up!! 😳 Almost gave me a fright! Hehe… This is stunningly good, Jacob! Thank you! I showed Philippe without a voice-over and he said, “oh, what’s that filter?” thinking I was just playing with a photo of myself in Photoshop. Lol (I don’t actually do that, so now I’m curious why he assumed I would)

    And there is definitely a writer in you… hehe…your posts are wonderful! I’m so happy to have found you my friend and sorry the award doesn’t include a statuette of some kind because that would have been nice. Thank you again for all of the fun you bring to my day and for this amazingly accurate portrait! (He looks rather nice, right? Hehe) You’re amazing!! ❤️😃

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jacob said:

      Oh, I can’t tell you how much of a relief this is. I lye there last night thinking/panicking. “Christ. What if he hates it? What have I done!?!” so this has made me very happy! If it fooled Philippe it can’t be bad going!

      He does look rather nice, indeed, but not nearly as good as the real thing, I’m sure! 😉

      It was a pleasure, Charlie. Thank you for putting up with me, and furthermore for making me laugh every day! You are the greatest!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hehe…I loved hearing your answers to the questions too…not sure if I mentioned that bit. You’re so sweet!! Thanks so much! I loved this!! 😊 I’ll now stay this age forever thanks to you! 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      • Jacob said:

        Glad you liked them – they were tough ones!!

        Hahaha! Hmm, we’ll see. I accept no responsibility if your age does increase at some point. I know it appears I work miracles, really, but I’m no wizard, sadly. 😉

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      • Wait, what?!! This isn’t a Dorian Gray portrait?! The picture is supposed to age while I remain blissfully youthful! Wait…that story ends badly so maybe it’s all for the best 😊

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  7. Rebecca said:

    Congratulations on the award Jacob; your posts are always entertaining and showcase your beautiful pictures to a T. And what a great Charlie portrait you’ve made, he’s instantly recognisable – I hope he loves it! Thank you very much for my nomination too, that’s so kind! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jacob said:

      Thanks, Rebecca, for all your support and kind comments over the past few months! And I hope you enjoy your ceremony! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      • Rebecca said:

        Haha! You’re so welcome Jacob, all deserved. And thank you – I’m choosing a frock right now. 🙂

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  8. Geke Hop-Wassink said:

    Congratulations Jacob, well deserved,and I think a lot enjoy your drawings, I certainly do. Great drawing as well 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jacob said:

      Thanks, Geke, it’s nice to think so – wouldn’t be much point in me being here if the opposite was true! 🙂

      Thank you as well for sticking around. If you had a blog, I would have nominated you! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      • Geke Hop-Wassink said:

        Thank you Jacob, I had a blog, long time ago, about Freddie Mercury The king of Queen, but there are so much better blogs and the best blog about Freddie is My Freddie Mercury from my dear frien Camilla and I congratulate her with your nomination. I stopped my blog because I had the feeling it added nothing, that we didn’t know already. A good friend gave me the advice to start a blog about my life, but I still haven’t decided. Would it add something or would I just write my rather bumpy ride called life. Well I’m still thinking about it and in the meantime I enjoy lot’s of blogs. I’m happy for you winning this award because you are a artist by heart, I think drawing is in your genetic 😆

        Liked by 1 person

      • Jacob said:

        I see. I’m sure your Freddie blog was grand! And the nice thing about WordPress is that it’s always there for you to come back to, and indeed you can do anything you like with it. I’ll keep a close eye to see if you should ever begin writing again.

        My thanks, again!

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Well I only know Charlie from his blog but that looks like a great likeness and it certainly captures his warm and funny spirit. Great stuff, and many congratulations to you too!

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  10. itsmyhusbandandme said:

    Congratulations. You deserve it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jacob said:

      Thank you – I really appreciate your visits and support!


  11. Why I am most honored! Thank you.
    I’m afraid I am not sure exactly what I need to do to accept the award except from your instructions….
    I nominate 10 and answer the questions? Thanks for your guidance into unfamiliar territory here.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jacob said:

      It’s a pleasure to share you with my other friends and followers! Yeah, that’s basically it – I understand the only other ‘rule’ is to show that Liebster Award badge somewhere within your post. I should probably have mentioned that – will fix that now.


  12. dorisfiebig said:

    congratulation! and, thank you a lot for nominating me, i am honored. and feel overwhelmed, as i had received the liebster award already this summer. so, i want go it to others instead of me again, but do appreciate your nomination…
    your portrait is wonderful, and i love your time tested series a lot.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jacob said:

      A pleasure, and thank you for your lovely comments! Time-Tested is a lot of fun, so I’m glad they go down well.

      No worries for not taking part – just glad to share you and your marvellous work with everyone. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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