Annabel Croft



“Can you see your key yet? It’s a little silver thing!”

Now that we’ve got The Crystal Maze – sort of – you think we can maybe now have the revival of Interceptor that we so desperately need? Thanks in advance.

I’ve spoken of the show before, and sketched the titular character. Here, we have the host, former tennis star Annabel Croft. Coming straight in from a series replacing Anneka Rice running around on Treasure Hunt, Croft’s job here was rather more sedentary; plonked in a random but most picturesque setting with a big map, she had to guide the contestants to their keys en route to their reunion and subsequent glory.

Indeed, some of the most amusing turns in the programme are when she appears to be getting really quite annoyed that the contestants haven’t spotted their key yet, or when they fear they’ve been zapped by the Interceptor. Basically she’s a bit of a rubbish host who screeches at the players and to us, but of course it wouldn’t be Interceptor were it any different, so there we are.

Here’s some Interceptor fun – poor Clive lets his guard down, and Annabel is less than pleased:

    • Jacob said:

      Thanks ever so much, Catherine!


  1. You’ve done great eyes on her! And I could just hear her screeching even if I’ve never seen the show before. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jacob said:

      Thanks Teresa! The eyes were probably the bit that came together with the least hassle, actually. And haha – your ears don’t know how lucky they are. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Lee Hesketh said:

    LOL a little silver thing. She really said that? Love it, Jay – biiigggg hair!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jacob said:

      She most definitely did, Lee – there were many golden moments like that from dear Annabel!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Jacob said:

      Thanks, Sharon – indeed, her locks were pretty impressive!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Awesome sketch!! Now this looks like an interesting show… And of course I’ve never seen it so adding it to my ever-growing list. 😊 But love this drawing!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jacob said:

      Thanks Charlie, and indeed, more homework for you! Interceptor comes much recommended.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. All that hair! I don’t think it will work as a theme park, lol but yes bring back the show…I reckon health and safety has got too big now, so it will never return? Great sketch J.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jacob said:

      Thanks, Rebecca! I think I overdid her hair a bit, but her locks are really quite impressive on this show. I think you’re sadly right on the chances of the series returning being virtually zero, but one can hope. Haha, Interceptor Experience would be incredible though, wouldn’t it!? 😛 Maybe I should start crowd-funding! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      • Well the crowd funding worked amazingly well foe CM. You never know?For the record I think you did her hair just right…she had tones…or still has?

        Liked by 1 person

      • Jacob said:

        Haha, that’s true indeed, though I’m not sure Inty’s fanbase is of quite the same magnitude as Crystal Maze. Glad you like the hair! I imagine it’s a little more restrained these days, though in truth I can’t remember the last time I saw Annabel on TV – I think she primarily does tennis commentary these days.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. itsmyhusbandandme said:

    Love the picture but can’t remember the show at all!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jacob said:

      Thank you, Sir! I’m not surprised; Interceptor was very short-lived, running only for a single series over summer 1989. I think it’s brilliant though!


  6. Bill Fufkin said:

    I confess to have no recollection of the programme, nor does Interceptor ring as something which would detain me fully, but I enjoy the gusto in your recollection of such fond possessions…it is undeniably charming. B

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jacob said:

      Oh well, that’s very sweet of you, Bill! I’m glad you enjoy my wittering, even if the content isn’t especially to your taste.


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