Scary Spice

scaryspice-2As I’m sure has become clear, this blog has morphed into one big nostalgia trip. In the pursuit of completion, we can’t really go without giving The Spice Girls a mention, especially as it’s now twenty years since Wannabe was released and GIRLLLL POWWWER! became a thing.

Yo I’ll tell ya what I want what I really really want / SO TELL ME WHAT YA WANT WHAT YA REALLY REALLY WANT!

Twenty years – how can it be? This makes me feel old. I was four at the time and found the song inexplicably wonderful – well, perhaps in hindsight it could be explained! – and also quite hilarious. I danced to it and knew all the words, much to my grandparents’ horror; indeed, summer car journeys were a whole new level of testing with my sisters and I singing this on a loop. Well, at least it wasn’t Oasis. As for my favourite, it was always a toss-up between Scary and Baby Spice, though to be honest I think I just found Scary’s big hair amusing, such was (still is) the simplicity of my mind. It was that which convinced me to draw her, and accidentally make Mel B look not so much ‘Scary’ as ‘Ruddy Terrifying’. It was fun to be so liberal with bold colours, though.

I confess that, on revisiting Spice Girls tracks as research for this blog post, I actually knew the complete lyrics to almost every find. I knew I loved this song, but had no idea I was quite so obsessed. It’s amazing how much the tracks of our youth stick in the mind. Alas, as times change, so do tastes; I’d like to think that this brief return was more than enough to keep me going for the next couple of decades.

  1. Awesome portrait! I doesn’t happen very often, but once in a while, a Spice Girls song will pop into my head. Always fun. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jacob said:

      Thanks so much, Myriam! Yes, I seem to remember Wannabe being top of a ‘catchy songs’ chart some time ago. They do have a bit of sticking!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Bill Fufkin said:

    I remember them…that is all I shall say on their career! But very good drawing. B

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jacob said:

      Haha – thanks Bill, glad you like it.


    • Jacob said:

      Yes, my childhood is apparently defined by quite the motley crew! Thanks so much Laura, as always.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Lee Hesketh said:

    Yes!! This is amazing Jay and with so much spice attitude! My sisters used to play them all the time, really, all the time, and the songs are still in my head to this day! Wasn’t there a movie made on their story?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jacob said:

      You mean Spice world? Goodness, what a classic that was.

      Thanks again, Lee!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Lee Hesketh said:

        Hahaha yeah, I’ll have to give it a watch now and remind myself of its amazingness! 😛

        Liked by 1 person

      • Jacob said:

        Don’t! It’s a trick!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Lee Hesketh said:



  4. teproleum said:

    Be still my beating heart! Scary Spice! I wasn’t into pop music growing up but I had the biggest crush on her when I was in high school. I still think she is super-hot! haha!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jacob said:

      Ha! Well, this was clearly done with you in mind! Enjoy! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

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