

You got twenty-five more letters than you asked for!

I was a little bored, and, cool cat that I am, this invariably means I fall back on ropey old game shows. This time, it was the turn of Blockbusters, the student quiz hosted by the delightful Bob Holness and nobody else ever.

Away from its questions and incredible opening and theme tune, I had long been eyeing up the nice digital-style cut used for both the logo-type and letter slides of the game board. I’d never been able to locate the exact font itself, so I decided to take to Illustrator and have a go at making my own en hommage. The razor-sharp edges made it relatively painless to reach the level you see – essentially blocking (and busting!) squares and right-angle triangles together. Some letters look a little off – ‘S’ and ‘Y’ are troubling me the most – but it was a lot of fun.

I could spin the lettering out into various posters bearing witty slogans pertinent to the show, but why do that when you can sum the programme up as follows: goodness, weren’t those kids hilarious?

blockbusters-1-01I’d made a template of the game board long ago but with the wrong font, so fixing this was a must. Let’s play Blockbusters!

blockbusters-1-03As I imagine is the case with just about anybody who ever saw the programme, I now have an excessive lust for hexagons, the cheeky, geometric eye candy they so obviously are. There are just so many possibilities and interpretations, as Victor Vasarely celebrated to the point of tease. I wonder if he ever caught Blockbusters?

Rifling through, I found these relics from early last year, which, while apparently unfinished, show some fun being had with the shape’s versatility. What started out as simple pinwheels begin to masquerade as shapes of a different dimension.

What endless fun one can have with handsome hexagons. Thanks, Bob!

    • Jacob said:

      At least it’s not an E, I suppose. Weren’t those kids the funniest!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Jacob said:

      Glad to bring back some nice memories, Rebecca! They don’t make ’em like they used to!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Jacob said:

      My pleasure, Michael! What a charming man he was, he really made Blockbusters special.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Bill Fufkin said:

    How we desperately wish for a P…doing that dreadful thing with the hands on the way! B

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jacob said:

      Ho ho! Oh yes, the hand-jive. I warned of that in my previous Blockbusters post!


    • Jacob said:

      Thanks, Charlie! Dust off that list 😉 well, really it’s only the opening title sequence that’s a must. It’s incredible!

      Liked by 1 person

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