Complete Titles

Happy New Year to you. You crazy fool, sticking around for all this time.

So. A new year. A bit battered, a bit tired, but a fresh start apparently. So let’s go back to the late eighties while also throwing back to last year. In a semi-response to a post from a few months back, here we have a complete Countdown title redux.

The real thing here is, can you spot the cock-up in my recreation?

It’s relatively minor, such that it took me a few watches to notice so, if you do catch it, a nod to you for being awake and bothered. There are lots of TV and game show enthusiasts among my YouTube subscribers, many of whom beyond eagle-eyed. I’m frankly surprised that none of them pointed it out straight away.

Anyway, this is based on the titles introduced in summer of 1989. I have upscaled to widescreen and applied a few tweaks here and there, chiefly a more faithful representation of the clock (without losing the aesthetic) and using the familiar white and blue colour scheme for the words, not the red and white which proved problematic to say the least. It’s a rather simple sequence; creation was more time-consuming than difficult. It does look primitive now, but I still think it’s a neat title concept, probably the strongest the show has had.

I’m warning you now that, partly due to the kind reaction to this on YouTube, a similar treatment of the preceding Countdown sequence is underway, so watch out for that. If it’s good, it might end up here. If there’s an error, it might too end up here!

Spotted it yet?

  1. damaya63 said:

    Happy 2022 to you Jacob and may this New Year bring you all you wish for and let it be a healthy year for us all. Love from Holland, Geke

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jacob said:

      Thanks, Geke! The same to you, and yes indeed, let’s hope it’s a better year for us all.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. They both miss the obvious offensive swear word ?
    The people are all ghosts in yours?

    I dunno Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―

    Happy New Year though πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jacob said:

      I did think about putting that in to see if anyone was paying attention, but decided I’d better not.

      This is like that piece of yours ages ago where you spelt one word wrong and no-one could spot it! To put you out of your misery – NOD appears twice. I did feel a bit of a (swear word) when I noticed, but I’m over it now.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Ha ha, you should’ve kept it a secret to torment your other followers.

        I wonder if it’s the Bart Simpson blackboard? On that one I asked which word was spelled correctly. The answer to that (in case I didn’t give it away) was none of them!! It was even signed off as SteveKiddWart rather than SteveKiddArt as I recall.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Jacob said:

        Yeah, that’s the one! Oh really? Ah well, I remember there were a few others trying to figure it out so at least I wasn’t alone. πŸ˜›


      • Jacob said:

        Over three years ago?! Bloody hell!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Indeed.

        By the way I forgot to say that I applaud the fact that you’ve spent hour after hour recreating this old game show – non-generic behaviour in a world of sheep has value πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

        Liked by 1 person

      • Jacob said:

        Aw, thank you. You’ve redeemed yourself after that beastly spelling business πŸ˜‰ There are a few recurring (and decidedly niche) subjects here and I do sometimes wonder if people are sick of them. But you have to “do you”, as they say. 😎

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Brandin said:

    One of my favourite sets especially that title sequence! its nice to finally see these in hd its always been a thing ive wished to see, the unique spin on it just makes it the more better. thought i would comment here too aswell as i did on youtube πŸ˜…
    oh yeah happy “late” new year hope this years good to you πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jacob said:

      Glad you like the tweaks. I thought it would have more value that way than a straight recreation. The set isn’t exactly my favourite but the titles are. Nice to have more than just letters flying around on screen.

      Thanks, Brandin, you too. You’ve improved heaps in 2021! Keep having fun.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Happy belated New Year Jacob! I’m catching up after working over the festive season. Didn’t spot the double ‘nod’ alas… Love the Countdown creations as always! Here’s to more in 2022!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jacob said:

      And you, Ford! Hope you’ve got some time to rest. No-one seems to have noticed so I think I’ve got away with it, phew!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Adam Beach said:

    Spent ages staring at frames in this video and couldn’t spot the mistake until finding out on here. I genuinely thought the mistake was the shadow under the word ‘NUT’ being shifted slightly more to the right than that under ‘OUT’. 🀣

    Liked by 2 people

    • Jacob said:

      That has been fixed now too!


      • Adam Beach said:

        Awesome. I still keep watching this video every now and again, because it’s bloody brilliant. Do you plan on releasing these titles as they were?


      • Jacob said:

        Haha thanks. I thought it was doing better than usual, I guess that’ll be why. What do you mean as they were?


      • Adam Beach said:

        It’s not just from me, though. You have a growing fanbase πŸ˜‰

        As they were, as in how they looked on the actual show.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Jacob said:

        I appreciate my loyal fans!

        Oh I see. I probably won’t do that, no. I do however plan to re-render at some point now that a couple of things have been fixed, most likely without the applause/set at the end.


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