
Monthly Archives: September 2018

It’s happened. I never expected it to. I have a new favourite wrestler – or rather, I have a favourite new wrestler. What is this? Well, I say ‘new’, but the adorable Jervis Cottonbelly has actually been teaching his opponents some manners for several years. Ever the gentleman, he characteristically trades the strikes and slams for hugs, tickles, and light-hearted trickery. This chap is the epitome of wrestling theatricality.

My first Cottonbelly experience was actually a couple of years back, when he was a guest on a Twitch live-stream I was watching. I wasn’t convinced at the time, but he was memorable, that’s for sure, and curiosity was there. Recently, I read about his mental health issues, and gained real admiration for him using the character to share his own experience whilst also allowing the sunniness of Jervis to brighten the day for others. It certainly worked for me; it’s been a low couple of weeks, but just a few minutes of his motivational speech (and mean ukulele) at least had me creating again. Thanks so much, Jervy!

A fun, lovable character with what seems like a genuinely sweet guy behind it, I wish Gentleman Jervis nothing but success.

Obviously, there was no contest for subject here. I originally went for a vanilla portrait, but ended up turning him into some kind of desktop wallpaper. How very 1990s of me. Hopefully, the fuzzy cocktail of violets, daisies and tie-dye possesses both the pleasantness and razzmatazz that so exudes Mr. Cottonbelly.